Französische regierung schafft elektro-akustisches studio ab!

Da die politik der französischen regierung nicht unähnlich der der deutschen ist, dieses beitrag zum neoliberalismus und deregulierung in europa.
Da mag man der autonomen bewegung recht geben sich nicht abhängig von staatgeldern zu machen. Auf der anderen seite ist es aber fatal wenn der staat seinen aufgaben für die freiheit der kunst nicht aufkommt, den sonst ist alle kunst nur noch marktgesetzen unterworfen, was zu neuen elend führt. Ich denke, das da künstler_innen und kulturschaffene angesichts der lage ganz umdenken müßen, um die freiheit der kunst zu garantieren.
Hier der text von der website der IMEB, das elektro-akustischen studio, ds seine pforten aufgrund von kulturkürzungen schliessen mußte:

What happens to IMEB

For those of you who are astonished at the reason for IMEB’s closing, these remarks of the Minister of Culture will prove you right: “The Government has a position which seems to me quite right: it will accompany the end of this experience. IMEB has done marvelous things, and it has done things which correspond less to our time.” (17 April 2010)

As to the method of the Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles (DRAC), the DRAC writes: “The budget for 2010 (presented by IMEB to the DRAC) is completely unrealistic and do not take account of the instructions of Jean Claude Van Dam to the President of IMEB, namely that it will be impossible to organize the Festival Synthèse and the Competition in 2010. The subsidy of the DRAC in 2010 . . . is to be used exclusively to finance the cloture [of IMEB].” (14 December 2009)

Repeated and imposed instructions: “I remind you that our engagement to pay a subvention for 2010 depends upon the approval of a budget [for IMEB] for 2010 without Festival or Competition. The subsidy of the DRAC is only given to finance the cost of cloture and the completion of the digitalization of the IMEB’s archives. I regret to inform you that the last budget submitted does not fulfill these conditions.” (1 March 2010)

As for the reasons for closing IMEB, once again the words of the Minister: “New paths permitting us to relaunch a project of musical creation which will have greater exposure, at both a local and a national level (emphasis ours), are being studied. As of 2010, such a project should be able to take over the activities of the IMEB, in the context of a legal framework still to be defined.” (14 April 2010) (No further information to this date.)

To achieve this goal, beginning in 2009 the Ministry insisted upon the cancellation of 48 commissions for compositions to be realized in IMEB’s studios. IMEB maintained its activities in 2009 with the support of the local associations and the SACEM, while the Ministry eliminated 416,985 Euros of subsidy in three years. On 30 June 2011, at the latest, our resistance will end, leaving us battered and conquered, but for our honor.

We would like to thank all those who supported the petitions to the Minister of Culture, which received 2500 signatures from 63 countries.

We deeply appreciate the international solidarity shown in your many messages of indignation and sympathy. We are now working to preserve those elements of the worldwide heritage of electroacoustic music which we have received since 1970 and to make them available to future generations.

From our 40-year adventure and on our efforts in favor of musical creation and invention, there remain many unforgettable moments, many exceptional discoveries and all those intense emotions . . . There also remains the conviction of having acted upon our ideas and having

realized some of them, of having opened pathways of lasting value and of having contributed, together with all those colleagues who came to Bourges, to the development of our art. And there remains the knowledge that others are pursuing the same goals with the equal enthusiasm.

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