die ganze platte: C. H. District - Live At XIX Wroclaw Industrial Festival/Zoharum (dienstag, 15.02.22, 13-14 uhr)

Das label schreibt: "The latest album of C.H. District is 100% live material, recorderd during a concert at the 19th Wrocław Industrial Festival in the middle of the lockdown and broadcast entirely online. Mirek Matyasik - the founder of the project - presents a material mostly based on the use of modular synthesizers, extracting dense, motor structures, giving the composition a distinctive character. The heavy beats, kept in medium tempos, set the rhythm and fill a large part of the set, constituting a strong pillar for the successive tracks with a metallic, rough sound appearing at different moments. At the same time, their composer consciously uses the available means to build tension and atmosphere in a controlled manner throughout the performance..."
Kontakt: thomas [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

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