Podcasting added to a Drupal blog in a couple of hours - easy

Podcasting added to a Drupal blog in a couple of hours - easy
twohills - December 3, 2006 - 22:10

I love Drupal.

Decided to try podcasting. Knew zero about the technology. Don't use podcasts myself.

Found this link http://drupal.org/node/76668#comment-141926 (thankyou Steve)

Downloaded audio and playlist. Set it up.

Downloaded audacity http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ to record my dulcet tones.

tested and found I need to set Audacity to 22k not 44k ("project rate" at the bottom left of the screen). Not sure if I need to, but I also set Audio Track "set sample format" to 16-bit. After recording, I File>>Export as mp3 (format ID3v1). No I don't know what any of this stuff means either :-D

Then in drupal create content>>audio and upload the mp3.

I use www.feedburner.com to ensure feeds are all nicely formatted without me having to understand any of it. The only downside seems to be I don't get the download stats in Drupal, gotta go to feedburner (and pay for detailed analysis).
Added the feedburner XML feed to the feed block I had created earlier.

Easy. See www.itskeptic.org for the result

Gotta love Drupal and all those who contribute this good stuff - thanks everyone

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