die ganze platte: Nocturnal Emissions & Barnacles – From Solstice To Equinox/Klanggalerie (Di, 02.05.2023, 13:00 Uhr)

Euch erwartet experimentelle dub musik von diesen beiden projekten. Discogs schreibt über nocturnal emission: "
Nocturnal Emissions is a sound art project that has released numerous records and CDs in music styles ranging from electro-acoustic, musique concrete, hybridised beats, sound collage, post-industrial music, ambient and noise music. The sound art has been part of an ongoing multimedia campaign of guerrilla sign ontology utilising video art, film, hypertext and other documents.
The project was initiated in London in or around 1980 by Nigel Ayers together with collaborators Daniel Ayers and Caroline K. Numerous other members have come & gone. Now based in Cornwall, on a nodal point on the Mary-Michael Ley, the mission continues in some kind of polytantric union with the multiple personalities of one "solo" member and a cast of thousands." Und über barnacles: "Bored of working for years on microsounds, crick & crocks, drones and field recordings, Matteo Uggeri launched a new project using field recordings, drones, crick and crocks, microsounds and ignorant beats.
Before getting to this point, Uggeri worked, since 1996 up to now, with several musicians including Controlled Bleeding, M.B., Telepherique, Deison, Luca Sigurtà, If,Bwana, Giuseppe Ielasi, Andrea Serrapiglio, Bob Corn, Nicola Ratti, Mukjika Easel and OvO. Since 2000 is member of the inclassificable band Sparkle in Grey."
Kontakt: thomas [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

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