die ganze platte: Joris Rühl - Feuilles/Umlaut (Di, 16.01.2024, 13:00 Uhr)

Das label schreibt: "With Feuilles, composer and clarinetist Joris Rühl offers a sonic immersion in a mineral and ethereal landscape, refined but shimmering.
A fine connoisseur of the clarinet, which he explores through uncharted playing modes - and in particular through multiphonic sounds - Joris Rühl extends his sound experimentation to the accordion and the percussions, and combines timbres and textures with the meticulousness and the delight of a gastronome.
For Feuilles, he surrounds himself with clarinetist Xavier Charles, accordionist Jonas Kocher and percussionist Toma Gouband, three improvisers, each of them bringing their own strong and unique sound universe. Here they skillfully slip into the role of performer, happily colouring the written work. ..."
Kontakt: thomas [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

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