Playlist TimeOut – This is Pop No. 115 vom 28.12.2022 17-19 Uhr

TimeOut – 28.12.2022 This is Pop No. 115 17-19:00 Uhr FSK 93,0MHz

Artist Titel Label
XTC TimeOut Intro reel by real virgin records
OFF! slice up the pie fat possum records
OFF! worst is yet to come fat possum records
NO FUN AT ALL it's not a problem sbäm records
PRESS CLUB endless motion hassle records
SPECIAL INTEREST (herman's) house rough trade records
SPECIAL INTEREST concerning peace rough trade records
RIO REISER strasse (single version) sony music
RIO REISER dr. sommer sony music
RAZORS disco aggressive rockproduktionen
ÖSTRO 430 sei lieb
EXTRABREIT wir leben im westen reflektor
EXTRABREIT polizisten reflektor
EXPLOITED cop cars secret records
EXPLOITED exploited barmy army secret records
KILLING JOKE unspeakable malicious damage
U.K. SUBS party in paris gem records
XTC TimeOut Intro reel by real virgin records
U.K. SUBS banksy cleopatra
U.K. SUBS police state noise annoys
U.K. SUBS suffragette city cleopatra
URBAN DOGS cocaine time & matter records
FRANK FROM THE VELVET each night prosperty of the lost
DIE LIGA DER GEWÖHNLICHEN GENTLEMEN es ist nett, nett zu sein tapete records
PARK BENCH SLEEPERS september parade rookie records
WILD BILLY CHILDISH & THE SINGING LOINS song of the medway damaged goods
HAŃBA! luxtorpeda antena kryzku
HAŃBA! wojenka antena kryzku
CZEREŚNIE kukułeczka czere​ś​nie
SPECIALS concrete jungle chrysalis
SPECIALS listening wind island records
JOY DIVISION decades factory records
Lösung Gewinnspiel: David Bowie – Suffragette City

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