Playlist TimeOut – This is Pop No. 119 vom 26.04.2023 17-19 Uhr

TimeOut – 26.04.2023 This is Pop No. 119 17-19:00 Uhr FSK 93,0MHz

Artist Titel Label
XTC TimeOut Intro reel by real virgin records
IDEAL da leg ich mich doch lieber hin innovative communication
SCHROTTGRENZE emazipation und alltag tapete records
CASH SAVAGE & THE LAST DRINKS hold on glitterhouse
CASH SAVAGE & THE LAST DRINKS push glitterhouse
ILLEGALE FARBEN marsch ins verderben rookie records
KONTROLLE zugang zu informationen rookie records
JOSEPH BOYS plastik flight 13 records
GREAT MACHINE day of the living dead noisolution
CREEPSHOW sticks & stones concrete jungle records
DOGHUNTERS kings tonzonen records
VENERA going home dirty six records
CIVIC end of the line ato records
CHELSEA johnny has no respect westworld records
X-RAY SPEX I am a poseur emi
PLASMATICS won’t you stiff records
NO FUN AT ALL tear me down sbäm records
XTC TimeOut Intro reel by real virgin records
RAMONES I just want to have something to do sire records
DAMNED wake the dead ear music
NIRVANA about a girl sub pop
JOHNNY THUNDERS & PATTI PALLADIN crawfish jungle records
FRANK TOVEY luxury mute records
SOUND all fall down wea
IRNINI MONS en solitaire taken by surprise records
PIGS PIGS PIGS PIGS PIGS PIGS PIGS mr medicine rocket recordings
NIG HEIST big wheels dragcity
STRASSENJUNGS nachts auf tour cbs
DAS BILDUNGSBÜRGERTUM hinter den vorhängen bakraufarfita records
DAS BILDUNGSBÜRGERTUM ole, ole bakraufarfita records
BO DIDDLEY bo diddley chess records
EDDIE COCHRAN summertime blues sunset
ARTHUR RUSSEL I couldn’t say it to your face rough trade

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