die ganze platte: Philippe Petit - A Reassuring Elsewhere, Chapter 1/Oscillations (Di, 07.02.2023, 13:00 Uhr)

Das label schreibt: "Time has collapsed in on itself and we live in a world of wreckage, some of which still functions beautifully. The first chapter of Philippe Petit’s trilogy, 'A Reassuring Elsewhere', is an exercise in what he calls ‘retro-futurism’, where all that was pinned to a particular moment is brought forward in a novel way, clocks be damned. But all this messing with time has a playful, joyous dimension. As Petit describes ‘A Reassuring Elsewhere is a trilogy
that takes us through a looking glass in hope of reaching a wonderland where we feel reassured because nothing is as it seems…’
Here Petit pairs a Buchla 200 analog synthesizer with a piano (the grand piano at CNRR National Conservatory, no less), and elsewhere, a theremin and an EMS Synthi A nudge up against a prepared piano soundboard, where various objects, including clothes-pegs and materials (cotton, tissues paper, wood, plastic, rubber, metal and fabric) generate a percussive universe that hints at a cosmic order whose meaning might only be discoverable by other beings to come. Improvised and spontaneous, a ragged metallicism expands into a gentle and curious rattle. ..."
Kontakt: thomas [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

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