die ganze platte: martijn hohmann - donkere kamer/universaalkunst (Di, 21.03.2023, 13:00 Uhr)

Das label schreibt: "Field recordings made in Rotterdam, Breda, and Antwerp early 2022 and Groot Ammers summer 2021
Additional processing, (soft)synths and mixing may-august 2022.
Little over a month after I was asked by Frans to do a piece for his new NDWICM label I got news that photographer Mark Rietveld had passed on by choice. The piece, which by then was about 70% finished, already contained recordings from underneath de Schelde river in Antwerp made a few months earlier, on the very night I met up with Mark for the last time. The piece turned into a kind of homage.
Donkere kamer is a single sixty minute piece divided into five parts. ..."
Kontakt: thomas [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

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