die ganze platte: Art Ensemble Of Chicago – The Sixth Decade - From Paris To Paris (Live At Sons D’Hiver), disc 1/Rogueart (Di,

Hier nochmal art ensemble of chicago mit live cd anläßlich des jubeläum. Mitgespielt haben: Roscoe Mitchell: sopranino and alto saxophones, Famoudou Don Moye: drums, percussions, Moor Mother: spoken word
,Roco Córdova: vocal (bass,)Erina Newkirk: vocal (soprano), Nicole Mitchell: flutes, piccolo, Hugh Ragin: trumpet, flugelhorn, thai bells, Simon Sieger: trombone, tuba, Jean Cook: violin, Eddy Kwon: viola,Tomeka Reid: cello, Brett Carson: piano, Silvia Bolognesi: double bass, Junius Paul: double bass, Jaribu Shahid: double bass, bass, Dudu Kouaté: percussions, Enoch Williamson: percussions, Babu Atiba: percussions, Doussou Touré: percussions, Steed Cowart: direction
Kontakt: thomas [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

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