die ganze platte: Moldavia - Peasant Tunes From The Old Land Of Harlau/Buda Musique (Di, 20.02.2024, 13:00 Uhr)

Das label schreibt u.a.:"Hârlău is a town from the Romanian province of Moldavia. It now lies at the border between the counties of Iași and Botoșani. Around it, there are several villages, on each side of the border, that share the same customs, dances and music. For some centuries, until 1832, it gave name to a region of Moldavia – The Land of Hârlău. Some parts of today’s counties of Iași and Botoșani were in its componence. ..."
Alte Hochzeitsmusik aus moldavien. Ein feuerwerk an melodien!
Kontakt: thomas [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

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