
2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the
folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae & UBUIBI (
Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (, 16 February
2014 / with Big City Orchestra /
THEME: "Foreign Fish of Titanium"

2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the
folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae & UBUIBI (
Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (, 19 January
2014 / SPECIAL GUESTS: Sheila Bosco, Mark Pino, and Brian Lucas / THEME: "Poe-astronomy-double mint-Bosco Birthday Extravagasm!"

2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the
folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae & UBUIBI (
Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (, 29 December
2013 / Special Guests: A.J. PINECONE (Andy Cowitt), DOCTOR OCTOJOCULUS (Gary Gray) and JOHN KARR.

Kontakt: wp666 [at] gmx [dot] de

2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the
folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae & UBUIBI (
Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (, 15 December
2013 / Special Guests: GINO ROBAIR, ERIC GLICK RIEMAN and MIKE DRINGENBERG / THEME: "Bubbles & Time Travel"

2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the
folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae & UBUIBI (
Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (, 1 December

2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae & UBUIBI ( Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (, 8 July 2012 with Big City Orchestrae...
Gefördert von Radio Gagarin

Di, 22.5., 14-16 Uhr: "Radio hat keine Grenzen..." - Frauen und Community Radios. Mitschnitt einer Podiumsdiskussion.

Vom 23. Bis 25. März 2012 fand in Hannover ein dreitägiges Austausch- und Vernetzungstreffen spanisch- und deutschsprachiger Radiomacher_innen und feministischer Initiativen statt. Eine der Radiofrauen Sabina Mina vom community radio „La Tribu“ aus Buenos Aires war am 27. März in Kiel zu Besuch und traf sich mit Jorinde Reznikoff (FSK Hamburg/ Stimme - Reflektionen und Resonanzen). Sie diskutierten über die Herausforderungen, eigene Räume im Radio zu erobern. Es moderierte Suzanne Vogel-Vitzthum von der RLS Schleswig-Holstein.

Playlist vom 01.10.2009

1 Turbostaat - Wieso Herbst?
2 Gallows - Dread the night
3 She Rides - Girl talk
4 Crossed Stitched Eyes - Rot
5 Meinhof - War is on
6 Obtruisive - Destroy the remained
7 Ashers - Destitution
8 Paint it Black - Bliss
9 Bombshell Rocks - Blood brothers
10 Oiro - Vergangenheitsschlauch
11 Duncans Divas - All the things she said
12 Rämouns - I get around
13 Ramones -I believe in miracles
14 Bad Religion - Big band
15 Scattergun - Girl like me
16 Vicious Irene - Citydust
17 Mad Monks - One minute of pure riot (feat. Zeki from The Driftwood Fairytale)

Mondo Bizarro Playlist vom 20.08.2009: Special 6x6

She Rides - She Rides (Stillborn 2008)
1 Temptress
2 Tore up from the floor up
3 Girls talk
4 Coke Frenzy
5 Wage Slave
6 Party in the piss kitchen
Alle gegen Alle - A Tribute to Slime (Sunny Bastard 2009)
7 Jingo de Lunch - Etikette tötet
8 Rastaknast - Störtebeker
9 I Defy - Disco
10 Mr. Burns - Besserwisserei stinkt
11 The Detectors - Fuck Police Brutality
12 Polkahontas - Deutschland
Guerilla - Chapter IV Emancipation (Concrete Jungle Records 2009)
13 One step ahead
14 Stars
15 Right to exist
16 2hell

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